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Telehealth Services

Get  Started Now!

Welcome to our Telehealth Services page!

 We are proud to offer convenient and accessible virtual healthcare to residents across the state of Arkansas, Florida, and Montana. Exciting news—Oklahoma and Missouri will be joining our service list soon!

How it Works

1.Set up an Appointment

To schedule your telehealth appointment, simply fill out the contact form below. Please provide your first and last name, phone number, and a reliable email address. Our team will reach out to you to finalize the details of your virtual appointment.

2.Virtual Consultation

Once your appointment is confirmed, you will meet with our physician via a secure HIPAA online platform.

3.Delivery of Supplies

If approved by our physician, your necessary medical supplies will be sent directly to your doorstep. They will be packaged securely in a keep-safe cooler to ensure they arrive in perfect condition.

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Getting Started It's easy to begin your telehealth journey with us!

Don’t hesitate to reach out—give us a call today at 

Thank you for choosing us for your healthcare needs. We look forward to serving you!

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